Lyons-Newman Consulting

Strategic planning and facilitation for nonprofit organizations

Business Model Development

We support clients to assess and design their nonprofit organization’s optimal business model using a version of the Business Model Canvas, developed by Strategyzer that we have adapted for nonprofits. The business model canvas is a lean-startup tool for innovative organizations that allows a nonprofit to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot its business model. 

Using the Business Model Canvas, a nonprofit’s business model is visually articulated on a canvas that depicts nine basic organizational components, or building blocks, that show the logic of how the organization will make money. The business model serves as a blueprint for a strategy to be implemented through organizational structures, processes and systems. The nine business model building blocks are visually represented on a one page canvas. 

The business model components include:

  1. Intended Impact: Your mission

  2. Customer Segments: Who do you wish to reach and serve. Typically there is more than one segment. For nonprofits there are service side and funder side customers.  

  3. Value Proposition: The reason why service recipients and funders choose your organization over another nonprofit. It solves a customer problem or satisfies a customer need.

  4. Channels: Channels represent how the organization communicates with and reaches its customer segments to deliver a value proposition.

  5. Revenue Streams: The revenue the organization generates from each customer segment.

  6. Key Resources: The most important assets required to make a business model work.

  7. Key Activities: These are the most important actions that an organization must take to operate successfully.

  8. Key Partners: The network of suppliers and partners that make the business model work.

  9. Cost structure: All costs incurred to operate a business.

Diagram of business model canvas

When we work with clients to design, challenge, invent, and/or pivot their business model, we provide research and facilitation with design thinking processes to support the work.

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(415) 845-5259
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462 Vincente Ave, Berkeley, CA 94707

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